Do Smoke Alarms Have To Be Hardwired In Queensland?

In short, Yes, smoke alarms do need to be hardwired in Queensland for rental properties. The regulations surrounding alarms are specific and strict to ensure maximum safety for occupants. In this article, we’ll explore what it means for alarms to be hardwired, the different types of smoke alarm installations, whether hardwiring is legally required, and if you can install them yourself or need a professional electrician.

What Is Hardwired?

A hardwired smoke alarm is connected directly to your home’s electrical system, unlike battery-operated alarms, which rely solely on batteries for power. These alarms often come with a battery backup to ensure they remain operational during a power outage. Hardwired smoke alarm installations offers greater reliability because the alarm is constantly powered by the mains electricity, reducing the risk of it not working due to a dead battery.

The Different Types Of Smoke Alarm Installations

There are two main types of smoke alarm installations: battery-operated and hardwired. Battery-operated smoke alarms are typically easier to install and can be placed anywhere in the home. However, they rely entirely on the battery, which needs to be replaced regularly.

On the other hand, hardwired alarms are more permanent fixtures in a property. They are connected to the home’s electrical system, providing a constant power source. Many hardwired systems also feature interconnectivity, meaning if one alarm is triggered, all alarms in the system will sound. This is particularly beneficial for larger properties.

Is It Legally Required To Have Hardwired Smoke Alarms?

Yes, Queensland law has specific requirements for smoke alarms in commercial and rental properties. According to the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) guidelines, all new homes and properties undergoing substantial renovations must have hardwired alarms. Additionally, interconnected photoelectric alarms are required in every bedroom, in hallways that connect bedrooms to the rest of the house, and on every level of the home.

For rental properties, landlords must ensure that smoke alarms are compliant with the new laws, which came into effect on 1 January 2022. This includes the installation of hardwired or non-removable 10-year battery alarms, depending on the property’s age and configuration.

Can I Do It Myself Or Do I Need An Electrician?

While it might be tempting to install smoke alarms yourself, especially if they are battery-operated, it is essential to understand the legal implications. In Queensland, any hardwired smoke alarm installation must be carried out by a licensed electrician. This is to ensure the installation meets safety standards and complies with the legal requirements. Attempting to install a hardwired alarm yourself could result in non-compliance with the law and potentially put your safety at risk.

For battery-operated alarms, you can install them yourself, but it’s always a good idea to ensure that they are placed in the correct locations as per the QFES guidelines.

Contact C&C Birnie Smoke Alarms Today

If you’re thinking about a new set of smoke alarms for your property, then look no further than C&C Birnie Smoke Alarms. We’ve got the knowledge and experience to keep your property fire safe. Give us a call today to find out more